Epcon - API Technical Data Book
by Epcon-API

منقول: Epcon - API Technical Data Book 1093

منقول: Epcon - API Technical Data Book 1094

Beginning in 1966 some of the brightest minds in the Oil and Gas Industry put together the best available phase equilibrium and thermophysical property data and published the first edition of the API Technical Data Book. This work of the API Tech Data Committee has continued for 40 years. Now, all of that data and information from four decades of hard work have been distilled into the 40th Anniversary Edition of the API Tech Data Book (the 8th Edition).

A Software Solution

API’s flagship product is deployed as an easy to use software package covering the fundamentals of thermophysical properties and process engineering. The API Technical Data Book allows you to accurate evaluate hydrocarbon processing systems with it’s 130+ recommedned API methods and 20 + software programs – a must-have resource that engineers working in the Oil and Gas industry rely on to further their know-how and careers.

A Re-Mastered Printed Data Book
You can navigate quickly to find desired API procedures, review their recommended use and application, and then directly access software specifically designed to implement those procedures. All of the API Technical Data Book figures and tables have been included and digitally optimized for best quality in both the electronic and printed 3-volume desk reference set.

The Brains Behind the Business
The 40th Anniversary Edition of the API Technical Data Book is a result of the top U.S. oil and natural gas experts’ working together. As the standard for Phase Equilibrium and Thermophysical Properties, the API Technical Data Book 8 is a vital engineering resource you need to help you get the job done right.
With unmatched accuracy, the 40th Anniversary Edition of the API Technical Data Book can help you optimize your plant for profit and safety. This powerful software suite was built on a rock-solid foundation:
40 Years of API-Funded Research and Development
Participation by 127 Leading Thermodynamics Experts
Development of 161 API Physical Property Methods
Based on 2,000+ Technical References and Resources
Rigorous 3-Phase Flash/Mixture Calculations
We filled a book with all of the data you need to get the job done right. Get API’s know-how, right now with the API Technical Data Book 8 – 40th Anniversary Edition.

The Birth of the Electronic Version
Upon completion of the thirteenth revision package in 1998 by Penn State, API and the Tech Data Committee openly solicited bids to convert the API Technical Data Book into an interactive software application with a modern interface design. The objective was to enhance the usefulness of the API Technical Data Book and generate income to support the ongoing research and development of the Tech Data Committee. EPCON International was selected to develop this new electronic version of the API Technical Data Book. In 2005, EPCON released the Seventh Edition with full software coverage and a re-mastered, printed Data Book.

Software Development Effort
The first phase of this software development effort provided a Windows based application for Chapters 1 through 4 of the API Technical Data Book in 1998. The second phase of the software development provided a flash/mixture module for applicable methods and a new method for pseudo component generation in 2000. The third phase of the software development provided complete coverage of all 130+ methods recommended by the API Tech Data Committee and included EPCON’s rigorous 3-phase flash along with a scanned graphical file of all chapter introductions for all computerized/recommended methods in 2002. In the fourth phase of this software development effort, the printed API Technical Data Book was re-mastered from the non-searchable graphical form of the Sixth Edition. The Seventh Edition provided true ****, searchable format to provide direct interaction between the ********ed procedures and the software implementation of these procedures. Additional improvements were made in the implementation of the computer methods as software applications in this first fully electronic API Technical Data Book software product. The fifth phase of the software redevelopment included correction of any reported bugs and additional features requested by the committee

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